Istanbul Police Services Development and Support Association

Istanbul Police Services Development and Support Association

Reference: Letters of Istanbul Governorship Provincial Civil Society Relations Directorate dated 13.10.2023 and numbered E-87385697-489- 517557. In the content of the article of interest, many complaint petitions and telephone calls received from the Istanbul Governorship from within the province and from other provinces, were stated by the Police Associations to provide press, reporters, member promotional vehicles, etc. with police emblems on them. It is stated that cards are given and these cards are widely used. Regarding the subject, since the cards mentioned in the articles and reports of the Criminal Department Istanbul Police Laboratory Directorate have the police emblem and the phrase Police on them, it is possible for people who are not familiar with such cards to confuse and resemble them with police identification cards and press cards issued by the General Directorate of Press and Information.

It has been reported that the cards in question have the ability to persuade and deceive. Regarding the evaluation of press and vehicle cards printed by Police Associations within the scope of the relevant legislation, it was stated in the letter of the General Directorate of Press and Information dated 13.04.2016 that the printing or use of press vehicle cards constitutes a violation of Article 39 of the same Regulation, titled issuing cards similar to the Press Card.

Police Services Class with the letters of the General Directorate of Security dated 13.10.2022 In Article 29 of the Regulation; It is clearly stated that the signs in the regulation cannot be used by public or private institutions or individuals other than our organization, and that similar signs that can be directly or indirectly associated with the corporate logo and chest badge used in the Police Department cannot be used. used. With this communiqué, it is stated that investigation, judicial and administrative processes are carried out in accordance with the Law on Associations No. 5253 regarding denunciations and complaints, and it is requested not to act contrary to the specified legal legislation and regulations. . It is stated that in case of violation of the said regulations and laws, legal action will be taken by the relevant institutions. Because; All member cards given to our members by our association in the past or bearing similarities expressed in the content of the article have been canceled by our board of directors, and the member cards you have must be returned to the association headquarters. The article in question will be announced on our Association's website and member e-mail addresses, and our members will be informed if a new study or regulation is made.

Membership fees for 2023 must be deposited into our Association Donation account by December 15, 2023. Association memberships of members who do not change their address, do not update their membership information or do not pay dues will be terminated. We would like to emphasize that all our members should show the necessary sensitivity.